
Here are the literary projects I run or am directly involved with:

National Flash Fiction Day

National Flash Fiction Day was founded in 2011 to celebrate all that is exciting and bold and, above all, brief in the world of flash fiction. We aim to promote flash fiction and flash fiction writers in the UK and beyond by publishing an annual anthology of flash and run an annual microfiction competition, as well as providing a positive, encouraging, inclusive community for flash fiction writers and readers around the globe. We welcome writers, journals, and organisations to run their own events on or around NFFD to celebrate flash and shortform prose.


FlashFlood is National Flash Fiction Day‘s curated online flash fiction journal. We open for submissions for one week a year.  During that week, we receive over 2,000 stories and select our favourites for publication on National Flash Fiction Day (UK).  On that day, we post a flood of flash, with a new story appearing every five to ten minutes for a 24-hour flash extravaganza. We also publish a ‘community flash’ series which has included work from writers in prison, writing on sustainable futures, and writing from full-time carers.

The Write-In
Managing Editor


The Write-In celebrates new flash fiction writing. Every June, on National Flash Fiction Day, The Write-In publishes a series of 25 flash fiction writing prompts. Writers then have up to 48 hours to craft a response and submit them for possible publication at The Write-In where a team of editors is standing by to read and publish responses over the next couple days. There are also virtual badges on offer for each prompt that writers can award themselves and display, whether or not a response is submitted for publication. All writers welcome, regardless of experience or publication history.

FlashBack Fiction

FlashBack Fiction is an online journal dedicated to historical flash fiction, prose poetry and hybrid work. We are interested in everything from traditional storytelling to all manner of experiment and play, as long as the work engages with the historical in some way.  We welcome unusual perspectives, magical realism, fabulism, alternate histories, and things that don’t seem to fit comfortably in any particular box. We don’t set an arbitrary cut-off for when ‘history’ begins, nor do we limit the notion of ‘history’ to any particular place or perspective.  We are particularly interested in untold stories and underrespresented voices.


Submission (Im)possible!

January event:

Get your work out there! Join us for four hours of submitting your poetry, short stories, novels, etc. in a supportive community.

Join widely published writers Carrie Etter and Ingrid Jendrzejewski in this free, online Zoom session dedicated to everything to do with getting your work in the world: sending to magazines; submitting to competitions; writing cover letters, synopses, and proposals; researching new markets, etc. We’ll share information about magazines currently reading, open competitions, etc. in the chat as we go, and if you need to step away to take care of your cat/child/guinea pig/significant other, etc., just turn off your camera and come back when you’re ready. This is an all-inclusive, wholly supportive space open to writers of all backgrounds and orientations.

Flash Fusion

Flash Fusion is a series of online workshops aimed at flash fiction writers of all levels.  Our last series explored what we as flash writers can learn from poetry, and we approached this topic from several angles.

Our next series explores way to sidle into writing from different angles.





The Prose Poem
Consultant, Judge, Tech Support

The Prose Poem is a new project celebrating prose poetry in all its forms. TPP welcomes micropoetry and other very short forms, as well as hybrid forms and ‘hermit crab’ poems that adopt the structure of other forms of writing. Although TPP only publishes prose poetry, they are happy to read work that steps on (or perhaps a little past) the fuzzy boundaries of narrative poetry, free verse, microfiction, flash fiction, and various shortform writing.